I thought things were going really well. Not only do we seem to get along great, but our families do as well. In hindsight I think there were some signs but i'm only able to piece them together now.
I started my career in IT then transitioned to machine learning early on so i've generally been pretty financially well off. When we started dating I remember early on how she kept pushing for details about my career. At the time I worked for a small firm, and always reluctant to give away information regarding my position and place of employment, but she was insistent. Since then she has absolutely remained firm that when we go out, I have to foot the entire bill regardless of circumstance. I didn't mind and mostly just assumed she grew up in a traditional household and even though i'm not that traditional in my mindset, I was willing to respect key parts of her up bringing.
Last night I wanted to read an article from a site that doesn't have appropriate formatting for a phone. I was heading for my laptop but I noticed hers open a few feet from me so I decided to use it out of convenience. When I opened chrome, the first page to load was r/FemaleDatingStrategy and she had several tabs open from their separate web forum. Turns out she's pretty active on there and gives out advice. In numerous posts and comments she describes to other posters how she keeps "her scrote" (apparently me) in check and how establishing dominance early is key. There were posts about how important it is to keep the appearance of having options to keep the "scrote" chasing.
I'm completely shell shocked. I have always treated her with respect and would never think to talk about her in a demeaning way, but to see her talk about me that way was shocking. It's like she's gamified our entire relationship and has zero respect for me. When I told her I saw her on that page, she lied and told me she was just scrolling and didn't care for it. When I told her I saw what she had been posting, she went silent then started crying. We didn't talk after that and I slept on the couch, but I honestly don't see how this relationship can continue.
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