Saturday, April 23, 2022

How come most people here on reddit view 18 as the bare minimum age of consent, but where I live it's 16, and I've literally never heard anyone talk about it being too low?

I even asked my health education teacher couple days ago, and she said she feels the current age is fine.

But oh my, most people here view a 19yo dating a 17yo as very disturbing.

It's seems really weird, since here in finland it's legal for a 16yo to have sex with anyone, unless their in a position of power over them (e.g. teacher, coach, or a prison guard) and as I said, I don't see anyone here saying there's anything wrong with it.

So where does the difference in attitude come from?

submitted by /u/ThicColt to r/NoStupidQuestions
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from popular links
 How come most people here on reddit view 18 as the bare minimum age of consent, but where I live it's 16, and I've literally never heard anyone talk about it being too low?


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