Friday, April 1, 2022

A Mathematician, an Economist, and an Accountant are getting trashed at a bar...

Worried that they are getting too drunk, the bartender walks up to them to ask a simple question. What's 5 + 5?

The Mathematician, surprised at such a simple question answers it's 10 and always 10 that's just math.

The bartender looks at the Economist.

The Economist thinks about it for a sec, and answers "well the long-term equilibrium of the answer will settle at 10, but there could be some short functions in the market around the equilibrium."

Then finally the bartender directs his attention to the accountant.

The accountant, chugs the rest of his beer, puts it down, and then asks the bartender "Well what do you want the answer to be?"

submitted by /u/CraftBeerMountaineer
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from Jokes: Get Your Funny On!


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