Monday, March 7, 2022

I hate covers of songs

They suck. I don't like them. The original singer always sounds better. If you disagree, then this is an unpopular opinion. Remember what subreddit you're in.

If I've heard the original song first, the cover ALWAYS sounds poor in comparison. The voice just doesn't fit at all.

Don't go around posting covers you think are better than the original. It won't change my opinion in the slightest.

edit: I pretty much always listen to songs from their original singer, if there is one that isn't the original singer, it's just because I don't know that they aren't. And because of this, any cover sounds absolutely horrendous to me in comparison. Let's say that I've always heard a cover that I've gotten used to, and know that to be the original song, without knowing who made it first. I'd probably prefer that one over the original of I'd hear the original afterwards. BUT because I ALWAYS listen to the original singers, I don't feel this way.

edit: in my last edit I said that it's possible for me to have listened to a cover thinking that it's the original. I should clarify that I'm talking about hearing songs let's say in a restaurant, or some YouTube video or something and thinking that it's the original version cause that's the one everyone always talks about and listens to. Someone said something about the Whitney Houston cover to I will always love you. That's a great example of this. I don't listen to that song. I never even knew the name before this post. But because that's the one you always hear everywhere, that's the one I knew to be original, even if it's a cover. But when it comes to let's say my playlists. I don't listen to any covers, they are just not good in my opinion. Maybe that's poor wording, not AS good as the original, just because I've heard it way more that I've gotten used to the vocals. That's all this is about.

edit: me when I get downvoted to the shadowrealm for my music taste 😐 (it's an unpopular opinion as well at that point)

submitted by /u/renai- to r/unpopularopinion
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 I hate covers of songs


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