Monday, November 1, 2021

LPT: If your workplace is in the process of firing you, and they ask you to write a letter apologizing to the company, DO NOT. This is an admission of guilt and will torpedo your unemployment case.

By November 01, 2021 , No comments

My friend worked at Wal-Mart for 7 years and when he came up for promotion they fired him officially for "using the bathroom too much." The company asked him to write a letter apologizing for it and it caused him to lose his unemployment and a judge ordered him to pay back all the unemployment he'd already gotten.

Do not say or write ANYTHING that can be construed as an admission of guilt.

submitted by /u/alegonz to r/LifeProTips
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from popular links
 LPT: If your workplace is in the process of firing you, and they ask you to write a letter apologizing to the company, DO NOT. This is an admission of guilt and will torpedo your unemployment case.


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