Fairly simple question. He’s starting to stack them up now, it’s not just the one from last night on Stewart.
https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/MeaslyEnlightenedIrishsetter (multiple bron dirty plays, including tripping steph with his bad ankle injury history)
https://streamable.com/r8e0xl (bron pushes Livingston midair to land on the same knee where he tore his ACL, MCL, PCL, lateral meniscus, and dislocated his knee cap)
https://youtu.be/Qd7Rn5U4VzY (bron pushes Embiid midair to land on his back)
https://youtu.be/SV0PsMLonPc (bron slide tackles steph)(after reading comments this one admittedly isn’t dirty, but I do think it was a reckless play with how big he is)
Another thing, how many nutshots did Draymond have to be “the ball kicker”? Was it more than 3? Not sure, anyways here’s Bron doing a few of em.
https://streamable.com/re8j0 (bron knees steph in the balls)
https://streamable.com/lh45i (bron elbows Iggys balls)
https://gfycat.com/serenepowerlessilladopsis (bron kicks Iggys balls)
A lot of these are on guys who had a bad history with injuries. Lebron really needs to stop these antics or he’s going to seriously injure someone eventually.
Edit: https://youtu.be/9adZfNyHylI (yet another one from midair)
https://v.redd.it/np93tyhjtg271 (bron pushes Payne midair)
https://streamable.com/mg3brt (bron pushes Ayton midair, this is starting to look like a trend)
https://streamable.com/lef9sa (bron body checks Ayton HARD, can hear it across the stadium)
Edit 2: lol the Lehive been released, watch out everybody
Edit 3: For all the people going thru my post history lookin for hypocrisy or some shit, you ain’t gonna find it just more Bron hate sry
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