Thursday, November 25, 2021

Holy shit. Adulting is hard.

By November 25, 2021 , No comments

I’m 23 and I just started my first ever full time job. Holy shit. How does everyone do this crap? I spend 8 and 1/2 hours a day at work, 5 days per week. That doesn’t include travel time. By the time I get home I literally have max 6 hours left to myself/family before I have to sleep and do it all over again. I now understand movements like FIRE and subs like r/antiwork and just why some people are so frugal with their hard earned money. I used to think other people were just lazy or that those who don’t like to spend money are cheap, but this system of work is straight up unnatural. 4 days per week would be so much more reasonable. I already want out. Let’s hope I win the lottery on Friday. That is all.

Edit: this post is really popping off! Thank you everyone, I appreciate the discussion.

submitted by /u/Solistial to r/TrueOffMyChest
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 Holy shit. Adulting is hard.


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