One Friday, lamenting their disabilities, they complain about the length of their walk. "It would be great to short cut through the cemetery" says the guy with the hunchback. "That cemetery is haunted" says the guy with the club foot, "It's madness to walk through there at night!".
After enjoying their evening, suitably sozzled, the pair head home. On reaching the cemetery, the guy with the hunch back says "I'm sick of walking round here, I'm taking the short cut through!". "On your own head!" Exclaims his pal.
Falling over the top of the fence, the hunch back lands heavily, picks himself up, and dusts himself off. As he walks through the cemetery he hears a wee voice.
"Hey! You!"
He can't see anything.
"Hey! Youuuuuuuu!"
Still nothing.
"Over here!"
The hunchback looks around, and sees a little boggart sat atop a tombstone.
"What's that?" Asks the boggart, pointing.
"That's my hunch" says the hunchback.
"Gies it!" Screams the boggart, and with that, it steals the hunch and runs off. Amazed, the hunch back man stands up straight for the first time in decades, and merrily makes his way home.
Next Friday in the pub, he regales his tale to his pal with the club foot.
"Incredible!" Says the club footed man. "I'm going through that cemetery tonight!".
"I wouldn't recommend it" says his now straight backed friend. "That boggart had a nasty look about him"
"Away!" Replies the club footed pal. "Look how well it worked out for you!"
Sure enough, as the night ends, the club footed drunk jumps the fence into the cemetery. As he walks ahead, he hears a wee voice:
"Hey! You!"
He looks around, sees nothing.
"Hey! Youuuuuuuuuu!" Is the cry
Again, the club footed gent looks around, to no avail.
"Over here!"
The drunkard looks down, and sees a boggart perched atop a tombstone.
"What's that?" it asks, pointing at his foot.
"That's my club foot!" Says the drunk
"Here, have a hunch too!"
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