Sunday, August 1, 2021

An academic from Oxford University is writing a paper on sheep shagging technique.

Having no personal experience on the subject, he decides to travel across the country and interview farmers from different regions to find out how they shag their sheep.

First, he visits a farmer in Scotland and asks him what his sheep shagging technique is.

“Well laddy, after grabbing the sheep, I stick its back legs in my welly boots and its front legs over a wall. That way, it can’t escape”.

Satisfied with this answer, the academic moves on to Cornwall and asks a farmer there how he shags his sheep.

“Well my lover, I grab any old sheep, ram its back legs into my welly boots and its front legs over a wall. That way, it can’t escape”.

Pleased to have found a consensus, the researcher travels to Wales and finds a farmer to interview.

“Well butt, I find a suitable sheep and then I put its back legs in my welly boots and its front legs over my shoulders. That way it can’t escape”.

“How interesting!”, exclaims the academic. “I thought you would put the sheep’s front legs over a wall”.

“What?!”, replies the incredulous Welshman. “And miss out on the snogging?”

submitted by /u/TheVoeckler
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from Jokes: Get Your Funny On!


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