Thursday, July 29, 2021

The soldier guards a military hangar with rifle in hands

The soldier guards a military hangar with rifle in hands when a man walks up to him and says:

-Hey pal, can I buy your rifle?

-Of course not! There are fighter jets stored in here, what am I gonna if something happens and I dont have a gun?

-Dont worry, you could just take a stick and pretend like youre shooting, no one is even gonna notice a thing!

After some hesitation, the soldier agrees to sell his weapon for some cash

A week after, the war unexpectedly breaks out. There are gunshots everywhere, deafening explosions fill the air, and amidst that ruckus the soldier picks up a stick and runs to the frontlines

"Bang, bang" - goes the soldier, and he is relieved as he sees that no one noticed.

Suddenly,the hangar doors open, and a lonely pilot runs out

"Whooooooosh!" - goes the pilot

submitted by /u/Kogarivpeit
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from Jokes: Get Your Funny On!


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