Thursday, July 29, 2021

Show HN: Stacked diffs / interdependent changes (on GitHub)

We (Screenplay, built an internal tool (Graphite) to enable stacked diffs on GitHub for an individual (i.e. you can adopt it without your team also having to adopt it). It's inspired by some of the internal tooling we had at bigger companies. Specifically, the tool has two parts:

  * The CLI - Allows you to create diffs, restack them, submit them to GitHub, etc. It runs locally and stores all the metadata in your .git folder.
  * The website - A UI layer on top of GitHub (ultimately reads/writes from GitHub). OAuth in to have a better/customizable review queue and stack visualization, with notifs and an improved code review UI coming soon.
You can use those two either separately or together. Would love people's feedback!

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