Sunday, September 27, 2020

How the hell did trump get elected, and why does he still have any supporters?

By September 27, 2020 , No comments

I'm not trying to ridicule anyones political opinion, we are all entitled to our votes and thats the way it should be.

However, from a Europeans perspective, trump and his administration are a joke, a very popular joke at that. It is unfortunate however that the pillar of that joke is the leader of the worlds most powerful nation.

I cannot possibly understand how he was elected, I remember his campaign, it was racist, homophobic and xenophobic propaganda.

We are almost 4 years in now and america has gotten exponentially worse. I don't mean to offend anyone but the entire situation is just mind boggling.

submitted by /u/ORAZOR125 to r/TooAfraidToAsk
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 How the hell did trump get elected, and why does he still have any supporters?


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