Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Nobody should be proud of their skin color

Why? Because it doesn’t fucking matter. Every race has done awful shit and have also been subjected to awful shit. ALL I see are people dwelling on the past instead of actually trying to progress and move forward. This victim mentality is fucking ridiculous and no race deserves to have their assess kissed. Shit happens. That’s human nature. Holding grudges and filling stereotypes is getting us nowhere.

Let the shit storm begin. I’m just so tired of seeing all of this ridiculous shit on the news. Killing and hating each other over race and religion. Humanity is a fucking farce of what it could be. Is this all you get when you have intelligent beings? Hatred?

What we should be proud of is being human, but that will never happen because as intelligent as we are, we lack the ability to to simply just accept one another.

submitted by /u/Tylerb0713 to r/unpopularopinion
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 Nobody should be proud of their skin color


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