Saturday, November 2, 2019

Karen moans at me for closing 1 minute early, so I let her in until we close.

By November 02, 2019 , No comments

So this just happened to me about 10 minutes ago, now I finally have something to post here.

I work at a local corner shop. Our shop is the only one around that is open until 7 on the weekends, all others close at 5 so we are being kind already by staying open later than the rest.

Anyway I had just locked the door at 6:58 because it was raining and I couldn't see anyone nearby outside so I didn't think much of it. I has just started to count the takings for the day when I heard a loud knock at the door, not just a normal knock, full on hitting on the door. I jump up from the counter and walk over to the door and without skipping a beat the woman shows me her phone that says 6:59 and shouts at me to "open this door, you're not closed yet!" Normally I would let someone in, even after close if they asked nicely and/or were desperate, but not with that attitude I wasn't. Thankfully I have read this sub for a while and I knew exactly what to do.

I look at her and say "Sorry madam, I'll let you in until we close". She mumbled something under her breath which I couldn't make out as I opened the door and let her in. I look up at the clock and see it is about 5 seconds to 7:00. I knew this was going to be amazing.

She made it only a couple of steps inside when I say to her. "Right, 7 o'clock, we are OFFICIALLY closed, could you please leave?" The look on her face was priceless. She immediately yelled back at me "NO I AM IN HERE NOW, YOU HAVE TO SERVE ME!". Now I could have got into a shouting match over this because my boss is a very firm believer in 'give what you get' but I had a long day and wanted her out ASAP. so I said "The only thing I have to do is call the police if you don't leave this instant, you are now trespassing." of course I probably wouldn't have but I just wanted to get her out, and it worked. She shouted something else about leaving a bad Facebook review or something and left in a sulk. Best moment of my working life!

submitted by /u/ValosC0re to r/MaliciousCompliance
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 Karen moans at me for closing 1 minute early, so I let her in until we close.


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