Sunday, March 31, 2019

AITA for allowing the girls on my HS track team (I’m the new head coach) wear bikini tops and cut off shorts for a fund raising car wash?;

This is very fresh, posting from my phone and a throwaway because I’m honestly nervous about how big this is going to get. I just got an email from the assistant superintendent of the entire district that I have to be in his office Monday morning and I’m scared shitless.

Basically I just graduated college and got my teaching certificate last year. The school heeded a track coach of the program would fold so I volunteered even though district guidelines (not rules) specify that a certain number of years is required before taking a head coach position but the principal waived this. We have some very talented girls and I enjoy it.

We were scheduled to do a car wash fund raiser this morning. On Monday one of the girls asked me if they could wear bikini tops and cut off shorts. They argued it was for thier comfort since it’s about 80 here today. I was a little nervous but agreed. Apparently word got out on social media and we had a line of cars 30 minutes before we even started. I’m so naive I thought initially people were just being charitable but when I saw boys from surrounding schools I knew somthing was up. And it wasn’t long before older men started taking notice and we had a line where it was taking an hour to get a car washed. The girls themselves loved it, they all had fun, nothing bad happened (thank god) and all are proud of themselves for how much we made.

Parents are furious with me and obviously it’s gone up the chain. I’m hoping to god I can chalk this up to my inexperience and I’m not fired buf when I had a 6’4” dad screaming in my face that he’s going to get my fired...I’m scared.

Am I the asshole for allowing this?

Edit: Just as a quick update, in rhe last few minutes I've gotten two texts from parents offering me thier support and willing to show up with me Monday to at the very least talk about how out of line the dad was who screamed in my face, that makes me feel a little better.

submitted by /u/Mknthrow to r/AmItheAsshole
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 AITA for allowing the girls on my HS track team (I’m the new head coach) wear bikini tops and cut off shorts for a fund raising car wash?;


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