Work at a casual to fine dinning place. Usually bar and cocktail side which is pretty spacious but mostly high tops and brings a more personal atmosphere.
Hockey tournaments in town, and though there are many places better accommodating and more geared towards family in close proximity, we're closest to the hotel and highway.
So we have a pretty good gourmet brunch. Get to work for an open and oh good, a hockey group with about 14 adults and 10 of their little hockey brats are walking in as soon as the hostess unlocks the door at 9:59. But they need bar side as the dinning room has been fully reserved as it usually is. Not ideal, but let's get the parents and monsters in and out.
So immediately they start moving tables and putting different leveled tables together and do the whole parents bunch together and throw the kids at the other end to do what they please. Now if they were good smart hockey parents, (few are) they would go over with the kid what they're having and have it somewhat organized on their end (allergies, what they can drink ect).
Nope, they do the stupid 'Jersey Number' bullshit. If you don't know, the jersey number bullshit system can work sure, but never does. See, if they are smart and organized and their little brats are actually wearing the jerseys and numbers at least decently visible the no problem. Then it's simply "I'll be having the California Benedict, my kid is on my bill, number 17 over there. "
Well these idiots weren't wearing their jerseys. It's cold they were in regular street gear and a few of them were wearing clothes like NHL jackets that had different numbers then their jerseys!?
So when I finally have to get every kids separate order. I'm getting yelled at with numbers "I'm 17, I'm the goalie, I'm 21 I play this, 13, 67" .....I don't care. I keep them organized enough to keep things streamlined and smooth.
I'm not explaining to everyone of them what comes with what as far as the 7 breakfast and kid options plus the dozens of adults sizes and options, plus regular menu. Some of them ordered adult size, whatever, they are ordering burgers and full drinks, appetizers, you name it. You want Pepsi for breakfast or a third refill of chocolate milk with the adult burger?? Sure 12, parents don't seem to care.
So I kept the bills separate and organized in a regular ' I know how to do my job' kind of way instead of the 'suduko Jersey auction' bullshit way. When payment comes, goes smoothly enough, some parents still giving me 'Oh, I'm with jersey 9' shit. "Thanks!" I tell them thinking 'well using the miracle of sight I saw you and your hockey bitch wife talking to the kid in the red jacket with no number on it and paired you up...". I'm not going to ask every kid their Jersey number, kids lie and are dumb and plus some kids are brothers and sisters who don't have numbers. And kids are dumb.
A parent or two were a little surprised when they got bills that had adult sized meals on there. We aren't a cheap place and if their kids were ordering full chocolate milk with adult burgers they were paying full steam and that adds up, paired with the parents meals and a few drinks and they're expecting $59 or so but getting $90 bills.
I wasn't about to go back and forth asking if each little prick could have a regular sized meal - hell everyone was sat with different menus after they moved all the tables and settings around.
So when I got the "That's a lot, didn't known number 21 ordered the full salmon dinner" I smile and say "Yeah sure has a healthy appetite. Really seemed to enjoy the herb reduction. "
Like most team family groups, the tips weren't great. Got them the hell out and got some flips of good couples, small groups and the kind of clientele I want serve. Floors were a mess, crayons and emptied s&p shakers but they were gone!
Oh, and special fuck you to the idiot parent who tells me his kids Jersey number is 8, but he's wearing a Sidney Crosby 87 jersey. Can't you see how that's confusing in the slightest?
Team/hockey parents, can you keep your kids slightly organized and be somewhat smart, maybe at least go over some menu guidelines with them and the server if you do care. No server ever gets excited to serve family sports groups. Most of us hate you. You did this. Ironic given that if your kids acted this way in the organized tournaments you slagged four hours in a bus for they'd be disqualified and you'd maybe assume some responsibly
EDIT: Wow, didn't expect people apologizing on TeamParents behalf. Appreciate the kind words, and hey as mentioned I'm a server what do I expect? I don't hate kids or parents and on the other side of the coin I would compliment families on good manners and high fives are given for a proper please and thank you.
It's a servers forum on reddit. If you were a teacher and had a bad day where a kid ate the class gerbil and called him a little prick on r/talesfromyourteacher I wouldn't say "You're a bad teacher" or "You must hate kids.". But I would say please don't bring the class to my restaurant on my shift.
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