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from Hacker News: Newest
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submitted by /u/Dirtyfaction to r/CombatFootage [link] [comments] |
Cause it gets them all wet.
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Points: 4
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submitted by /u/Dennis_Gachanja to r/facepalm [link] [comments] |
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Points: 1
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submitted by /u/Artane_33 to r/PublicFreakout [link] [comments] |
submitted by /u/sellyourcomputer to r/ExtraFabulousComics [link] [comments] |
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They’re full of booooooos.
…and one of them say he got his wife a five karat Diamond ring.
And his buddy says, “That’s nice, but I thought she wanted a Lexus?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t know where to buy a fake Lexus.”
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Points: 1
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submitted by /u/Naweezy to r/OldSchoolCool [link] [comments] |
You could say I eat three square meals a day
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Points: 2
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submitted by /u/Franco1875 to r/technology [link] [comments] |
Two cows were chatting in a field. One says to the other, “Have you heard about the mad cow disease that’s going around?”
“Yeah,” the other cow says. “Makes me happy I’m a penguin.”
but nobody knew what it was
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If you clone yourself and have sex with the clone is that incest or masturbation.
Asking for a friend.
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Points: 2
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submitted by /u/That1NintendoGamer to r/ImTheMainCharacter [link] [comments] |
And it’s the same for the Virgin Islands…
… not one single canary!
Hi HN,
I wanted to show you Alceos, an interactive knowledge base that makes it easy to get AI to work with your data.
Basically, you can upload documents and then you have access to all the information of your documents at your fingertips.
There is a Q&A tool to answer questions across your entire knowledge base and an AI assistant built-in, that will only rely on your knowledge base for its facts. Think of it like a Bing Chat but that will search the documents you have in your knowledge base instead of the web.
Tech details: To build the knowledge base, we use a combination of embeddings, summarizing and pre-processing to allow the ability to have full context of what is in a given document (say 40+ pages) and conditional prompting depending what the document is (ex: an excel file will be processed a bit differently than a word/pdf file). For the AI assistant, it’s a mix a clever prompting, using the Q&A tool when in need of information and “self-reinforcement” / “grounding” to keep it on the rails.
In the future, I want to give more tools to the assistant (improved math, task automation, internet access) and an API to make it easy to add/update your knowledge base or integrate knowledge-augmented models into products easily. Also, with LLMs having their Stable Diffusion moment, I think in the next few months we’ll be able to have a self-host version of the product which will be very exciting.
I’d love to get some feedback (on the features, pricing, use cases, etc.) or answer any questions you may have!
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Points: 1
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A man in a shipwreck ends up on an island. Surprisingly enough there’s plenty to live off of, there are even sheep. As time goes by, day after day, he sees a sheep that he becomes rather fond of, he names it Dolly, and eventually tries to screw it. Every time he gets close to it, it runs away and he can’t hold on to it. This happens for a while as he tries everyday. One day, he’s walking along the shoreline where he sees a hurt woman who came from another shipwreck, so he got her to his camp and nursed her back to health. After she’s all better, she says to him, you saved my life, I’ll do anything for you. He smiles and says, I’ve been so lonely on this island and have needs and urges. She smiled knowing what he meant. She said what do you wish me to do? He got a big grin and said, can you please hold Dolly for me.
Say "Your days are numbered."
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Points: 1
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Points: 2
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submitted by /u/inverse-skies to r/gaming [link] [comments] |
The zoo administrator was in a bind. There was just no money to transport in a male gorilla for mating to take place. So he decided humans where close enough to gorillas. Someone would have to fuck the gorilla.
After going through all options, offering as much money as the zoo could afford, he approached the weird janitor Hank about it.
“Hank, we need someone to fuck this gorilla. I know it’s weird, but, hey, $500. What do you think?”
Hank thought for a long time, then nodded his head. “I’ll do it. But I need a few weeks to get the $500.”
Baby camel: Why do we have these humps on out backs?
Mother camel: We store water there for when we walk long distances in desert and we don't have water for days.
Baby camel: Ok. What are our long eyelashes for?
Mother camel: When there is a sandstorm, they stop sand from entering our eyes.
Baby camel: Ok. Why do we have these toes shaped like this?
Mother camel: They are useful for when we walk in desert on hot sand, to not hurt our feet.
Baby camel: Then why the hell are we in a zoo?
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Points: 2
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Points: 11
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submitted by /u/MonsieurScie to r/CatastrophicFailure [link] [comments] |
A reptile disfunction
What's the difference between an epileptic oyster schucker and a diahrettic prostitute? - The epileptic oyster schucker shucks between fits.
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping Tom? - the pickpocket spends all day snatching watches.
What's the difference between a mountain goat and a goldfish? - the goldfish spends its time mucking around the fountain.
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submitted by /u/viskoviskovisko to r/dndmemes [link] [comments] |
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Points: 2
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submitted by /u/amungus45 to r/PublicFreakout [link] [comments] |
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Points: 2
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Hey HN! We built a user-friendly tool that allows non-technical domain experts to explore and evaluate the effects of LLM-generated prompt chains on large datasets (via CSV). Our solution wraps around the ChatCompletions API (gpt-3.5-turbo), offering an accessible interface for users who lack the skills to work with Jupyter notebooks or other tooling.
The current feature set is minimal, tailored to our friend's specific needs. We're eager to improve and expand the tool, so please share your feedback and suggestions--brutal honesty is okay!
Note--we have the space for the OpenAI API key because we don't know how many people will use this and don't want to run up our GPT bill . Sorry for the inconvenience for those who don't have a key :((
Demo video: Initial CSV from demo: Result CSV from demo:
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Points: 2
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... I seem to pity onions the most.
submitted by /u/jhaji09 to r/wholesomememes [link] [comments] |
I can never find a video I just saw in the history. The problem becomes worse when viewing videos on one device and then checking the history on another device. Has anyone else noticed this?
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To say Hello from the Other Side.
It was a battle of navel supremacy.
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Points: 3
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I mean… if you stay in the closet long enough you’re likely to find something..
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Points: 2
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submitted by /u/JiKooNumber1CBAfan to r/CasualUK [link] [comments] |
The hosts lay it on thick for him as there is a lot of money involved. An attractive woman he has met accompanies him to his hotel room. One thing leads to another and soon the woman is writhing on the bed saying "chiagu ana chigau ana" He finishes off and she lets out a deep deep sigh. Job well done he thinks and falls asleep.
Next morning a golf foursome is arranged and off the players go. Things are tight and at the last hole all is still to play for. One of the Japanese hosts strikes a beautiful shot for a birdie and the quick thinking American decides to use his newly learnt Japanese to praise his host. "Chiagu ana Chiagu ana " he says to his Japanese host who turns round to him and replies in perfect English " What do you mean wrong fucking hole?"
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The bartender sighs “ugh, not you two again…”
He always hits on teens and never goes over 21.
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Because his Daddy was a Mummy.
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submitted by /u/silvercatbob to r/oddlyterrifying [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/westcoastcdn19 to r/AnimalsBeingBros [link] [comments] |
submitted by /u/OrphanEater901 to r/technicallythetruth [link] [comments] |
I’ve got eh-dar
Every time I call her, she says, “Please leave me a loan.”
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Points: 3
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submitted by /u/AnnieBBOakley to r/WitchesVsPatriarchy [link] [comments] |
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Points: 1
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submitted by /u/BurningBernie559 to r/MadeMeSmile [link] [comments] |