The last time we had sex, I was really, REALLY drunk, and there were portions of it that we didn’t practice safe sex. Now, that I’m not drunk out of my mind I asked him to put on a condom before I performed oral sex, because in my right mind I would never blow someone raw, especially after they’ve had other partners which I have no idea about(which I understand I don’t have a right to know about because we’re not exclusive) I wanted to fuck and get weird within the parameters of safe sex(using a condom for oral and intercourse) and his response was to tell me that if I “was gonna be weird like that he wasn’t the right guy for me” well, he’s absolutely right, if condoms are a deal breaker for sex we really aren’t compatible. Atleast he was honest but damn, I didn’t realize how make or break raw sex was before because ive never put my health unapologetically first like this, if the notion of keeping yourself and your partner free from the exchange of STDs is such a major turn off, you might not be the problem!
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