My F23 and boyfriend M22 got into a huge argument and he’s given me two days to “come clean” and I’m not sure what to do about it.
For context, We’ve been dating for a year now and we’ve had our fair share of ups and down. Last year, he’d found out that I was sexually assaulted several years ago and it created a huge fight between us. He’d accused me of hiding it from him. Moreover, he demanded to know about any past relationship experiences I have had. We solved this and talked it through and moved on. Or I thought we did
He’s been going through a lot of family issues lately so I’ve been giving him support. (He’s out of the country at the moment so our relationship has moved to long distance). His coping mechanism is making jokes, they’re not funny tbh and can be quite hurtful at times.
So last night while I was talking to him, he kept making jokes about withdrawing from sex after marriage. (We come from a religious background so we are celibate until marriage). He says that there’s no point until we need to have kids so kept trying to jokingly ask to go through the back door instead. I kept attempting to change the topic and he would bring it up again, so I shut it down because this is related to my sexual assault. Rather than apologizing he exploded at me saying that I didn’t think about how my assault effects him and how it makes him feel. And that I need to see it from his perspective.
Also I do martial arts, I was training for the team and my training partners are mostly men. He says that he was hurt that I was training with other guys behind his back without his permission.
He says he’s going to give me two days to come clean about anything else in my past that he doesn’t know about. Honestly, I’m feeling lost. how should I handle this situation ?
EDIT: For those of you telling me to move out. I just need to clarify that I have my own place. We don’t share any residence or finances. He doesn’t have the keys to my place either
Also about the jokes, he’s not asking to go through the back door now. He’s saying it in a “if we were married” context. I’m not justifying his actions at all, but just to clear up some confusion
Also I’m celibate by choice. Being sexually assaulted severely traumatized me that I’d rather wait until I married
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