Throwaway since my family knows my account.
My grandma moved with me and my family two weeks ago since she was diagnosed with dementia and she couldn’t take her of herself anymore. She is normally a kind lady and lived all her life in a small village and has very traditional views on animals and how you treat them.
She often complained about my 7years old dog and how it should stay outside, protect the house and not stay inside with us cause she find it very unclean. My family usually let her speak and don’t give her much attention on the matter.
Last night it was late, she usually never sleeps and wonders the house aimlessly usually waking up someone to put her back in bed. Last night no one heard her, my dog was sleeping in the kitchen on its bed and was probably waken up by her, following her around. She decided alone to open the back door and let the pup outside, eventually forgiving about it in the freezing temperature.
I woke up to everyone muttering and my sister crying. They found it dead outside , clinging to the door. I got angry and started screaming at my grandma till my father came and slapped me, telling me she doesn’t know better and I’m lacking of respect. Both my parents started blaming me for even making her accountable of anything. My sibling are afraid of saying anything and now I’m filled with grief and anger. I can’t do anything and nothing will bring back my pup. I don’t even know what will make me feel better, she’ll never even say sorry to me. In her mind she may be totally fine while I can’t do anything but resent her and everyone else.
EDIT: people here are really cruel, I’m not saying I should put her on a stake. I just wish anyone would acknowledge my pain and not shroud it off saying “It’s not her fault”. Everyone’s acting like nothing happened, no one comforted me and everyone just accepted it.
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