Just to preface, my husband's brother has two kids, and his parents babysit them at least 3 days a week. I feel like this has kind of set the expectation for frequency of visits with grandparents.
I just had a baby on July 10th, and my husband's mom has been over to visit us 5 times since then. I know she means well, but it's very stressful to have a newborn and to feel like I have to entertain also. It would be different if she was offering to help with something (not that I expect that of visitors, but people visiting new parents usually at least offer). She also seems to conveniently always come while he's napping (he naps for 2+ hours at a time at this point), and she leaves once he starts getting a little fussy, which is frustrating because any rest or chores I could get in while he's asleep don't get done.
She texted me yesterday asking to come for a visit today. This is the first week my husband is back at work full time, and I'm trying to get in the groove of a new routine. I wrote her back and told her that I'm really not up for visitors this week because I'm getting settled in, and she freaked out and texted my husband asking what she did to offend me. She hasn't talked to me since yesterday after I wrote her, and she basically implied to my husband that we're being selfish keeping her grandson away from her. AITA here?
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