Sunday, March 31, 2019

If Tinder is implementing a height setting for men, they should implement a weight setting for women.

Tinder just announced a setting for men to show their height, under the reasoning that too many men lie about their height on the app and as they put it, are "height fishing" women. I can just about guarantee they won't do a fucking thing about weight for women. I have friends who have been fat fished. That's essentially the same damn thing. Why the hell should guys show their height if women won't show their weight. It's so fucking dumb to me. A girl doesn't like a guy because of his height? "You go girl!", "Girl power!", blah blah blah. A guy doesn't like a girl because she's fat? "Asshole!", "So misogynistic!", blah blah blah. It annoys the living fuck out of me that women aren't held to the same societal standards regarding attraction that men are.


Let me be clear, I have no issue with a woman if she is fat. I am just not attracted to it. Also, it is totally okay with me if a woman isn't attracted to me because I'm 5'9"


Yes I'm aware that the height setting is optional, similar to Bumble, and it's not as bad as something like Hinge where you're required to put your height, whereas women aren't required to put their weight. While this is about Tinder's new settings, I think it really opens up the societal double standard regarding attraction to the opposing sex and it just pisses me the fuck off.

submitted by /u/mclovin1654 to r/unpopularopinion
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from popular links
 If Tinder is implementing a height setting for men, they should implement a weight setting for women.


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