Hello! We are looking to expand the moderator team. Moderating can take up time, you need to be on Reddit quite a bit. Main moderator duties include clearing the mod queue and answering modmail. You'd also need to be able to join our Discord, we use it to communicate as a team a lot.
Please reply to this post with answers to the following questions if you are interested.
About you
- What timezone are you in? (Please answer in UTC.)
- Have you moderated on Reddit before? If so, what subreddits and what were your main duties?
- To be a moderator here it's essential for you to use two web extensions (Toolbox and Snoonotes), you'd also need to idle Discord. Would this be a problem?
- How often are you on Reddit? An exact amount of hours isn't required, we just want an idea of how active you would be.
- Do you primarily use desktop or mobile?
- Why do you want to be a moderator here? What sets you apart from the other applicants?
- What are your top 3 favourite subreddits and what makes them your favourite?
- What do you think of the current rules? What rules would you add or remove?
- If picked, would you be able to do at least 150 mod actions per month? It's pretty easy to do 150 in a sub this size.
- What do you think the role of a moderator is?
- A controversial video is posted, people are trying to witch-hunt somebody in the video or someone related to it by harassing them and posting personal information. What would you do?
- If a rule-breaking submission had a lot of upvotes would you still remove it? Why or why not?
- You see a video here that is just a static image with audio or a slideshow. Would you remove it or approve it?
- A user sends a modmail complaining about their submission that was removed (most complaints about removals are regarding rule 1). They get angry and insult you personally. What would you do?
- A user sends a modmail complaining about a wrongfully removed post and you agree with the user. What would you do?
- How would you deal with bigoted and hateful comments? Would you remove, approve or remove and ban?
Please reply to this post to apply, your application will be automatically removed but still visible to you and the moderators. If you delete it though we won't be able to see it.
Thanks and good luck!
[link] [comments]
from /r/videos https://ift.tt/2xXYqWr

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