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from Hacker News: Newest
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submitted by /u/anshurwa22 to r/KidsAreFuckingStupid [link] [comments] |
I have a pretty cliché life story. My mother was an immigrant to the US and married my father. I had the dream childhood that any kid could ask for. When I was 18, my parents divorced because my dad got the hots for his co-worker's wife. They got married and went on to live their happily ever after.
Meanwhile, my mother packed her shit and moved back to her home country. To be closer to my mother, I started applying for colleges in her country. My younger brother who was 16 at that time stayed back in the US for a year and then started applying for college in my mom's country.
A year after they got married, my father had his baby. When she was born, neither me nor my brother were there in the US to meet her.
My father sent us her pictures and that was it. Meanwhile, I got busy with my college and then my job. I met my boyfriend and we are planning on getting married. I plan to live in my mother's country permanently.
Now me and my brother haven't seen our father since we both left the States. Recently, we got the news that our half sister got diagnosed with leukaemia and wanted to meet us. Apparently, my father promised her every christmas that we (me and my brother) were going to visit her next year. I only found out about his promise when he requested me and my brother to fly down to the US to meet her in the hospital.
I told my father that we would definitely come down to meet her, but it would have to be a month or two later as my brother was busy with his med school semester exams and I was busy with a very important work project, and I could miss out on a very important promotion if I bailed in the middle of the ongoing work.
He was sad but he insisted us to reconsider because she was getting sicker. He even said that he would pay for the flight tickets. I promised him that we would definitely come down to visit her after I was done with my work and my brother was done with his exams.
2 weeks later my half sister passed away. I felt sorry for my father and emailed him to send him my condolences.
A week later was what would have been her 8th birthday. My father's wife made a very emotional social media post celebrating her life and expressing sadness about her own family "abandoning" her.
I knew she was talking about me and my brother.
Now here's the thing.
I don't think we abandoned her, we weren't able to meet her because the timing wasn't right. I had worked really hard for that promotion and its really hard for women in my line of work to get that promotion. It was a rare opportunity for me and I didn't want to give that up.
Edit : the hate messages are lovely.
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submitted by /u/itsmyusersname to r/UpliftingNews [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/unnaturalorder to r/gifs [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/NateNate60 to r/assholedesign [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/At0m123 to r/nottheonion [link] [comments] |
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Hey I'm gonna call it quits. Thanks guys for all the questions. It got to the point where it was too negative and to many Epstein questions. Thank you!
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submitted by /u/average-redditor1684 to r/funny [link] [comments] |
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They had one apple between the two of them, they had no clothes, and they believed they were living in paradise.
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submitted by /u/ourmanflint1 to r/ChoosingBeggars [link] [comments] |
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Made this app because I was tired of not knowing 50 words/book when I read in English.
You can try it on the AppStore searching "Quicky app". For Android user please use the web mobile version at The Desktop version has a shitty responsive design.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are not French, you will want to tell you are to try the features of the app (sorry it's only in French though)
I'd love to hear your feedback.
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submitted by /u/BeautifulJustDaWayUR to r/trippinthroughtime [link] [comments] |
Burning out as an early stage start-up employee. I’ve been employed there a few years, worked miracles, but getting recently getting some poor feedback. Confusing situation. Wondering if I should just quit? Is career salvageable? I solved the business’ biggest issue. Start-up was founded to do X, founders couldn’t figure out how to do X, I was asked to do X. Under enormous pressure I single handily figured out how to do X, conducted all the R&D, built the prototype, supervised the engineer and release. Its still a prototype, but solves one of the industries biggest problem. Non-founder team lead is unhappy some minor issues have slipping in the chaotic process of getting this to market. I’m doing several different jobs and do everything. My solution is going to change the market, the idea is worth millions of dollars, likely more.
Founders are very please, but getting poor feedback from team lead. Team lead has hindered more than helped, gives conflicting advice, blows hot and cold, has created a toxic environment etc. Admittedly some minor things have slipped through the cracks, but much of this comes from my team lead playing politics, creating silos and conflicts etc.
My team lead is grinding me down with their constant nitpicking and I really just want to go and do something else, anything else, work in a bar or something. Considered going to the founders with the issue, but I can’t see how this can be resolved beyond creating a new role or transferring out of my area of expertise. I did a sanity check and have reached out to others. Lots of others have take issue with my team lead as well, so its not just me.
I’m pretty burnout, and definitely in need to some time out before moving on. I don’t think I’d come across very well (or as sharp as I usually) in interviews at the moment without a break.
Anyone been through anything similar? Anyone have any advice?
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submitted by /u/mrslugo to r/wholesomegifs [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/mikekhan7 to r/Unexpected [link] [comments] |
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A boss said to his secretary, "I want to have SEX with you I will make it very fast. I'll throw $1000 on the floor, by the time you bend down to pick it I'll be done." She thought for a moment then called her boyfriend and told him the story. Her boyfriend then said to her, do it but "Ask him for $2000, pick up the money very fast he wouldn't even have enough time to undressed himself." So she agrees. Half an hour goes by, the boyfriend decides to call girlfriend, he asks, "what happened?" She responds, "The Bastard used coins I'm still picking and he is still fucking!"
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It’s 3,000 BC, and Steve Jobs has to build an iPhone. Since Jobs says “we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.” He would have to summon future genius ghosts of Egyptians to invent the first alphabet, wait thousands of years for Phoenicians, Greek and Romans to improve it to what we have today. Along the way summon ghosts of Indians and Arabs to develop the current numeric system, wait for the invention of paper and ink by Egyptians and Chinese, invention of Algebra, and calculus by Persians, Arabs, Indians, and Europeans, Italians to invent electricity, Russians, and English to invent/improve the periodic table, Einstein to invent E=MC2, several cultures to develop and perfect mining technology, the German and to invent the first programming languages, the English and Americans to invent the first computer & Internet & millions of scientific, social, business and economic inventions in between.
So, compared to the time it took to accumulate this knowledge, Steve Jobs would have died around 20 days before reaching his dream. But within less than 5 years he was able to harness the civilisation and knowledge that a ‘global society’ built over 5,000 years to build a billion-dollar product and company.
This is the hidden little dirty secret of our current knowledge economy. Businesses forget that without the 5,000-year goldmine of knowledge generated by the global society, they wouldn’t build today’s advanced products and services and certainly wouldn’t be worth billions.
That we give businesses wealth incentives to innovate, governments wealth incentive to govern, and deny society wealth incentives to cooperate and planet wealth incentives to sustain us is the mother of all injustices in the world. The current monetization system delivers full ownership and control of wealth to self-interested businesses and governments.
Like businesses & governments, planet and society invest in wealth creation, why do they settle for donations and aid?
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I said it's not my dogs, they don't even own bikes.
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submitted by /u/One_Day_Dead to r/gaming [link] [comments] |
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submitted by /u/The-Jedi-Apprentice to r/PrequelMemes [link] [comments] |
The reason there are more male comedians, and they seem "better" most of the time is because generations men have been told that what happens to them, and how they feel, is unimportant and even weak.
More men gravitate towards self-deprecation and humor because it is one of the few socially acceptable ways for us to cope with our mental health issues.
Men aren't given the same nurturing or support as women, and so we look to different means of processing what we are going through, or have gone through. It isn't about toughing it out, or manning up, or even being immature--it is about a centuries-long system of us not being emotionally important, often even to our loved ones.
Humor is a faulty way of processing emotional occurrences that no other skills are present to address. Men gravitate towards it more because people genuinely don't want to hear our struggles or support us.
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submitted by /u/bloodywolfeyes to r/gaming [link] [comments] |